Thursday 27 June 2019

36; Fake Friends - Real Friends

I found this in the SL profile of someone I'd like to meet when she isn't tied up.
When you've finished reading you'll understand why I stole it :-D

FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr / Mrs
REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/ MOM
(or by first name as it is common in my area)
FAKE FRIENDS -Never seen you cry
REAL FRIENDS -Cry with you
FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back ...
REAL FRIENDS: keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours
FAKE FRIENDS -Know a few things about you...
REAL FRIENDS -Could write a book about you
FAKE FRIENDS -Would knock on your front door..
REAL FRIENDS -Walk right in and say "I'm home"
FAKE FRIENDS -Will help you up when you fall over..
REAL FRIENDS -Will jump on top of you and shout "dog-pile"
FAKE FRIENDS -Are around for awhile..
REAL FRIENDS -Are for life
FAKE FRIENDS: say "love ya" in a joking manner
REAL FRIENDS: say "I love you" and they mean it
FAKE FRIENDS: will read this
REAL FRIENDS : will steal this ?

Monday 3 November 2014

34; A slaves point of view

Blindfolds and vision restrictions are a controversial topic in SL. Most people hate to stare at a black screen for a long time and honestly, you can’t blame them. SL is a visual world. Blindfolds are fun when it suits the scene for a while but simply not for too long. 

Fortunately many producers of gags, blindfolds and hoods have realized that and have created other vision restrictions that are mean enough but allow the sub to see at least a bit of the world. However, the person who inflicts the restriction usually has only a vague idea about what the sub sees or no idea at all. For this reason I have made screenshots of the different vision settings my restraints can do and uploaded them into a public GoogleDrive folder.

I dearly hope this helps the Dominants of SL to pick the right vision restriction for their victims.


Sunday 29 June 2014

33; Thoughts about RLV

RLV is the icing on the cake of BDSM (especially Bondage) in SL. It makes the feeling of helplessness just that. Being tied up in SL can be as exciting as being tied up in the real world. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying it’s a substitute for the real thing. But as Jackie Treehorn once pointed out to the Dude: “People forget, that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone.” And it’s the brain where both worlds become real, isn’t it?

My conclusion: BDSM in SL without RLV would be like rigging the ropes in RL but not tying the knot.

Monday 15 April 2013

32; How to lock objects on your body using RLV

Good day and welcome to this short tutorial of how to lock objects on your body or HUD using RLV.

Most important:

make sure your viewer supports RLV and RLVa is active. If you are not sure of that consult your viewers help or homepage.

Option one, locking objects using your RLV relay:

Some relays like the TkPBA or Dahlia's multi relay are equipped with outfit lockers. I prefer Dahlia's but locking items with TkPBA is no different.

On TkPBA there is a button that says "Locker" in the main menu, Dahlia HUD has a blue button that looks like a coat hanger. From there on it's about the same menu. In this menu you will see categories of places you can lock. Those lead you to the single parts you can lock. 

I will make this clear with an example: 

Let’s assume you want to lock your skin using Dahlia.

You enter the menu and click "Bodypart". This will get you a list of all worn bodyparts. They should be listed in small letters. Now you click skin. The relay will inform you in nearby chat that your skin is locked. In the menu you will notice the word SKIN is now written in capital letters. Capital letters mean the object is locked and thus can’t be taken off.

Go on like this until you have locked all things you don't want to be taken of accidentally by strip function of RLV devices.

TkPBA has one difference compared to Dahlia Relay: the locker stays active when the relay is turned off. Whether this is an advantage or not remains in the eye of the beholder.

Option two, locking objects using a lock script:

Get this free lock script:

Rezz the object you want locked on the floor. If you can't see the object you rezzed on the floor, try CTRL, ALT and T to make invisible things visible. Drag and drop the script "FooRoo BasicAttachmentLock 1.10" from your inventory onto the object and take it back or use "edit" and drag the script directly into your object contents. Some objects copy themselves when rezzed on the floor and taken back to inventory. Make your to wear the correct one later.

Once you wear the object you may simply lock and unlock it with those two commands in nearby chat:

/222555lock           : Lock the item
/222555unlock       : Unlock the item

When to use what option:

Clearly, option one is much more comfortable but the unlocker disengages if you turn the relay off because you are, for instance, on a sim you don't trust. You may can't be captured and stripped by RLV devices any more but if your collar is set to public access, someone still can mess with your look.

Option two on the other hand functions even when the relay is off but works only with objects you can rezz on the floor and edit. This means it does not work with bodyparts like skin, tattoos, eyes and so on, or with objects the creator restricted to be edited by others.

Possible troubles:

Relay option only:

Most viewers now support multiple attachments to a single spot. If you lock something that is attached to, lets say, your neck, all other items you may add to that spot later on will get locked too.

Both options:

You may have noticed avatars not fully rezzing inworld or may have drunken from that bitter cup yourself. This results in the avatar floating around as red cloud which looks kinda cute but is unnerving if you want to roleplay ;-)

The most common solution to this problem is to "Ruth" your avatar, meaning to reset your avatar to SL standard. Resetting your avatar won’t work as long as any part of your avatar or HUD is locked. This is something most people are unaware off. Make sure to unlock all stuff and take it off before attempting to reset. You may also log in without RLVa support and reset but dont forget to re-activate RLVa after you solved your cloudy problem. RLV is supposed to be fun. Enjoy it!

Third option, the “nostrip” function

Implemented within RLVa is the nostrip function. You can use it to prevent accidental stripping by things like stripping strips or other devices. Applying this is rather simple:

1.       Make sure the item or folder is located within your #RLV folder in your inventory 
2.       Rename the folder/item by adding (nostrip) to the end of the filename

Here is an example:

Let’s assume you don’t want your hair to be stripped and you have it in your #RLV folder:

It will look something like this:

To prevent the hair from stripping simply rename it this way:
#RLV/~Avatar/hair (nostrip)

If you want to prevent the entire folder from being stripped rename the folder:
#RLV/~Avatar (notsrip)

Renaming the folder will prevent all the items in the folder from being stripped.

As easy this may be please note that it will not prevent your stuff from being detached or unworn. This is only works against stripping. The major advantage of this option is your own ability to attach and detach without having to unlock anything.

Some additions

I know of course there are other ways to lock items and clothing from within collars but sometimes a slave has no access to their collar menu. The locking function within the collar is meant to be used by the Mistress/Master and not by the slave itself. Next problem would be collars set to open access where everybody may unlock your stuff and begins messing with your look. And isn’t that exactly what we try to prevent here?

I hope this tutorial was helpful to you. Please don’t hesitate to post a comment or ask me any questions you may have.

Thanks for reading,