Wednesday, 2 February 2011

14; More thoughts – This time about slavery, rules and punishment

And what a discussion that was…

I tried to make my point clear and although Miss Tyee approved of my heartiness it seemed they did not comprehend my motivation for my actions. I felt misunderstood and left alone. 

In the following I will explain my motivation and what exactly obsessed me to ask the Empress to spare Miss Tyee this time.

During this discussion I got a very clear message from both Miss Tyee and Kitti: RULES ARE RULES. Well, no surprise there and I know how important it is to follow rules, regulations and orders. But there is no rule without exception and probably the worst thing in the world is a slave that follows every order without thinking about it. 

Let’s get this straight before someone jumps to wild conclusions about me. When a punishment is justified I won’t even dare to hesitate obeying my Mistress’s orders. No matter how harsh the punishment would seem to me. The Mistress has her own good reasons for her deeds and it is not my place to question them. Also I would love to endure or be the executing part for my Mistress in any torture that is for her amusement. The pain is part of why we are her anyway, is it not? A punishment however, has to be justified. Otherwise it would be meaningless.

The roman goddess for justice, Iustitia, is often displayed as blind women. Her credo is “In dubio pro reo” which means doubt favors the accused one. Iustitia does not obey to whom who has the most money or the most power. She obeys justice only. And when it comes to punishment, so do I. Even if this would result in punishment for me, at least I would have a good conscience.

There is even another problem that troubled me. Let’s pretend for the moment I would have carried out the punishment according to the rules. I do not know what the Empress would have ordered but I think a good old fashioned spanking would have done the trick. While swinging the whip on Miss Tyee’s wonderful shaped bum, my heart never could have possibly acknowledged it as punishment. Thus it would not have been any fun. This leads me to “the paradox of the rules”.

The rules are:

1.       Have fun
2.       Obey

I am sure you already see the predicament. How can I possibly follow the second rule, when in order to do so I have to violate the first one? And although I called this a paradox I like to think of it as a failsafe to prevent unjustified actions. Or as Iustitia would say: In dubio pro reo.

At the end I would like to state that slavery and servitude are not only about following orders blindly. The major task of a slave is to please her Mistress. And mostly that does indeed mean following orders without questioning them. But the slave should think about them in order to understand her Mistresses desires and to carry them out in the best interest of her Mistress. Of course I cannot speak for other Mistresses but if I were a Mistress I would like my slaves to have the courage to stand up when rights are violated.

Final note:
I know that such situations are what safewords are for, but this case shows how my heart looks from the inside and I just had to write about it.

Diane’s Slut a.k.a. Tyee’s Puppy
Slave lawyer ;-)

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